Events & Retreats

May Events

Divine Feminine Cacao Ceremony

Enjoy a heart opening cacao ceremony, connect with your feminine chakras and raise your frequency.

Guided meditation and learning about the masculine and feminine energies.

May 25 | 4 - 6 pm

May Events

Open Circle

Develop your mediumship by exploring your spiritual senses. Learn to trust your intuition, discover the different chakras and different types of meditation. Learn about oracle cards, psychometry, mediumship and psychism.

Bring an item of someone you wish to connect with and light code a language message.

May 26 | 4 - 6 pm

July Retreat

Parents & Children (ages 6-13)

Join us at a beautiful farm in Langley and learn to connect and interact with your child on a deeper level. Take grounding and meditation to clear the mind and soothe the body. Learn easy techniques for emotion and energy balancing. Enjoy a yoga flow and learn about nutrition, crystals and Bach flower remedies to help you navigate challenging emotions and resolve them.

We welcome all emotional levels, spectrums - we help learn how to work with different energetic minds and bodies.

July 7 | 10am - 3pm

Book a
Guided Meditation
for your next event!

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